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Department public printers

Iribe Printers

Documentation for the Iribe printers has moved.

Old Printers

The public print queues ps3 (AVW 3205) and ps4 (AVW 4180) are Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE 6055 printers. They include some advanced features:

  • Scanning – The new units can be used to scan documents to TIFF or PDF formats and send them via email or FTP.
  • Secure printing – Print jobs (such as exams) can be password-protected, and only printed when you key in the password at the printer. Secure printing works only from Microsoft Windows systems.
  • Stapling – Documents up to 50 pages can be automatically stapled.

Note: To use printers ps3 in AVW 3205 you will need access via Univ ID card swipe. To be granted swipe access please email

Updating Drivers

In order to use the advanced features, you will need to use the correct, current drivers.

Note that supported department UNIX machines and PCs should already have the correct drivers and print queues installed. If you are having problems with a supported machine, please contact

Also note that unsupported machines must be on the local network or using the department VPN in order to print. Systems using the campus wireless network are not considered to be on the local network, and must use the VPN.

Use over Wireless or Outside AVW

To use the print queues using a personal computer, wirelessly, or remotely, you must connect to the CS VPN and be connected to any internet connection. Upon connecting to the VPN, ps3 and ps4 should become usable as though you were using a local machine.

Secure printing

UNIX systems

Secure printing is not supported from UNIX systems. You will have to send secure jobs from a Windows system.

Windows systems

Print a document normally, and be sure to choose one of the print queues with the Canon Imagerunner 6055 driver installed. We recommend selecting an individual printer (e.g., ps4b instead of a general queue (e.g., ps4) so that you know which printer to go to to release your job.

  • At the print dialog box, choose Properties.
  • As Output Method, instead of Print, choose Secure Print.
  • Immediately to the right of the Secured Print setting is a very small button. If you point at it, it should identify the button as Secured Print settings. Click it.
  • Enter a username to identify your document.
  • Enter a numerical password or PIN for your document. Your username and PIN should persist after sending the job, so you won’t need to enter them again unless you want to change them.
  • Click OK
  • Click OK again to send the print job.
  • A Confirm Password dialog box will appear to verify your secure job, username, and password. Click OK

Mac OSX systems

Secure printing is not supported from MacOSX systems. You will have to send secure jobs from a Windows system.

Multiple copies

To print multiple copies with lpr, add the “-#” flag with a numeric argument. Thus for example to print 10 copies of on ps3:

lpr -P ps3 -# 10

Reportedly this can be combined with the stapling arguments below.


Use this lpr command to staple your document.

lpr -P ps2 -o StapleType=StapleON -o StaplePos=1PLU

…this tells lpr to add 1 staple, in the Left Upper corner of a Portrait-oriented document.