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Installing Public Printer drivers for Linux

Printing via

The preferred method of printing is directly through the CS print server. The /usr/bin/lpr command has a “-H” to specify the server. For example, to print foo.pdf to the ps3 print queue:

/usr/bin/lpr -H -P ps3 foo.pdf

Adding a ps3/ps4 to your local copy of CUPS

Download the Canon ImageRunner ADV 6055 PPD using:

AVW: wget

IRB: wget

Or with your webbrowser right-click to save as a file: AVW: IRB:


Create the print queue with lpadmin:

sudo /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p ps3 -E -P CanonIRADV6055.ppd -L 3203 -v -o printer-is-shared=false

Note that you may need the path to the PPD if you are not in the same directory.

In our tests with Ubuntu, the print queue is created without being enabled or allowed to accept jobs. So you may have to run:

sudo /usr/sbin/cupsenable ps3

sudo /usr/sbin/cupsaccept ps3


Create the print queue with lpadmin:

sudo /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p ps4 -E -P CanonIRADV6055.ppd -L 4180 -v -o printer-is-shared=false

Note that you may need the path to the PPD if you are not in the same directory.

In our tests with Ubuntu, the print queue is created without being enabled or allowed to accept jobs. So you may have to run:

sudo /usr/sbin/cupsenable ps4

sudo /usr/sbin/cupsaccept ps4